About us
Photo Credit: Jake Betts
Hello, we’re Charlotte & Sabrina, the founders of Her Move Magazine.
We met in our local gym three years ago & quickly found a support network of amazing women that went so much further than getting through those last ten burpees.
Neither of us are elite athletes, personal trainers or have abs that will break the internet. We are normal women who get just as overwhelmed as the next person when it comes to reading about women’s health & fitness.
After becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of responsible content online & in the print media with its insistence on how healthy should look, not what it truly is, we decided it was time to make a change.
We wanted to create a digital publication which produces responsible health & fitness content that women can really relate to.
Celebrating the benefits of exercise beyond the aesthetic, we want our content to leave readers feeling inspired & motivated to embrace a balanced, lifelong approach to fitness.
Inclusivity is key. We want our readers to feel like they are part of Her Move community, taking the feeling of understanding & support that we found through our gym & turn it into something that women across the country can tap into.